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How to file a DMCA takedown notice

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Before filing a report, please note:


Note: Copyright only protects the physical representation of an idea, not the idea itself. Please note that titles, character names, similar plots, and similar themes do not constitute as copyright infringement. If you are unsure of whether a work infringes your copyright, we encourage you to seek professional/legal advice before submitting a notice.

This establishes the proof of creation required for any copyright issues that arise. If there is any dispute about the original source of the work, the registered date of the digital work on Wattpad provides support for your claims.


If you don't want to submit a DMCA takedown request right away, you don't have to! You can always contact the writer who has the alleged infringement of your work and explain why you believe their work is infringing on yours and politely ask them to remove it. If that doesn't work, please submit a takedown request if you still believe it is an infringement! 

IMPORTANT: There may be legal and financial consequences for submitting false claims. Before submitting a DMCA Takedown Notice, be sure that you are the actual rights holder of the content, are legally authorized to act on behalf of one, or are authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright.


If you believe that your copyrights have been violated, please report it to us immediately by submitting a DMCA takedown Notice. You can do this quickly by filling out our online form and providing all of the required information.

If you'd prefer not to use our form, please provide the following information to our Designated Copyright Agent:

  • Your full legal name
  • Your home or mailing address
  • Your telephone number
  • If applicable, your email address
  • If your original work is located on Wattpad, your Wattpad username
  • A URL to your original work.
  • A description of the alleged infringement (Where it is located, what is being copied, etc.).
  • The URL(s) of allegedly infringing material located on Wattpad.
  • Both the following statements:
    • "I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material or reference or link to such material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use)."
    • "I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed."
  • Your electronic or physical signature.

This notice can be sent via email, with all items completed, to Wattpad’s Designated Copyright Agent at Requests will typically be responded to within three business days depending on request volume.


I don’t want to provide the personal information requested in the DMCA Takedown notice. What can I do?

The take-down request form will ask you for your personal information. This is a legal document and we are required to collect the information to move forward with the request. We do not share your personal details provided in the take-down notice with the other party when we remove the work. We are simply required by law to collect the information. We, unfortunately, cannot proceed with the request if the information is not provided. If you don’t want to provide the required information, we recommend messaging the user and trying to solve the issue personally. 


Retracting a DMCA takedown notice:

If you filed a DMCA takedown request in error, you can retract your claim by sending an email to Your email should be sent from the same email address or corporate domain you used to submit your original takedown request and the subject should be "Retraction of DMCA Request". Please provide a description in the email and include as much information as possible for us to understand what is to be included in the retraction, including direct links to the content that you would like to be restored. If you are provided with any reference numbers, please include those as well.


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