Users can write their stories offline on iOS and Android apps and your drafts will be saved locally to your device. Please be sure to connect to wifi or data to ensure the drafts save to the Wattpad servers once you are done! If you log out before syncing your work with a strong connection, you can lose the progress you made, so please make sure that you don't log out after writing offline without saving your work online first!
If you're having trouble finding any content you wrote offline, first try checking your revision history.
Please note: Android users cannot edit pre-existing story parts offline but you can create new story parts and save drafts from there.
If you have any issues with saved story parts offline, please submit a Support request to us. You can submit a request by clicking ‘Fix a problem / Contact us’ to the right of or below this article. Make sure to write to us from the email that is linked to your account.
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