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Ending support for older app versions FAQ

What does it mean when Wattpad stops supporting an app or version?

Wattpad is always innovating our code and releasing versions with awesome new features to give you the best Wattpad experience. Some of these new features or changes are not compatible with older versions of Wattpad. When we stop supporting a version of the app, we stop maintaining the app experience for Wattpadders using that version. We will no longer be fixing issues or ensuring that new features are accessible on that version. This does not mean that you will immediately be unable to use an older version you may have installed, but you can expect the older version of the app may eventually work incorrectly.

What is Wattpad ending support for?

Wattpad will no longer be supporting app versions lower than 8.3. We will also no longer be supporting the Windows app or the Opera mini browser. 

Why is Wattpad ending support for older app versions, for the Windows app, and for Opera Mini?

Maintaining and supporting all app versions takes resources. By removing support for certain app versions, we free up resources for maintaining and improving the overall Wattpad experience.

What is the oldest app version Wattpad will support?

Currently, the oldest version of the app that Wattpad will support on both Android and iOS is version 8.3. This will change in the future. You can check our article Devices and Operating Systems (OS) Wattpad Supports for up-to-date details on which app versions we are maintaining. 

What will be the experience for Wattpadders on older versions of the app?

If you are using an app version older than 8.3, or if you are using the Windows app or Opera Mini browser, you may experience instability in Wattpad, and features may not work as expected. You may not have access to newer features. 

How can users on older devices access Wattpad?

We encourage all users to keep their app up to date. If you’re unable to update your app because you are on an older version of the Android or Apple operating system, you can try using Wattpad on the mobile web by logging into on the web browser on your mobile device. 

What if I can’t update my mobile device?

If your operating system is too old for you to keep the Wattpad app up to date, you can try using Wattpad on the mobile web by logging into in the web browser on your mobile device. 


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