Account safety is a high priority for us here at Wattpad. Here are some things you can do to keep your account safe:
- Use a strong password and mix it up with uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers and symbols.
- If something from Wattpad sounds suspicious, it likely is. Confirm it by contacting Wattpad Support.
- Only login through where the connection is secure when accessing the Wattpad website.
- Only trust users who claim to work at Wattpad if they have the colored Wattpad 'W' symbol next to their display name on their Wattpad profiles.
If someone has created a Wattpad account with your email address, please submit a Support request to us. You can submit a request by clicking ‘Fix a problem / Contact us’ to the right of or below this article.
Note: Any emails you receive in regards to product giveaways are not affiliated with Wattpad. Be sure to immediately change your password if you have seen or interacted with these suspicious links. You can learn how to change your password in How do I Change my Password?
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