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Wattpad Ambassadors

Who are the Wattpad Ambassadors?

The Ambassadors are a group of Wattpad users who volunteer with Wattpad to support the community. They help users, assist in organizing stories, run community initiatives and all sorts of other things! The Wattpad Ambassadors can also help assist in answering general questions about Wattpad, how Wattpad works, and keep everyone up-to-date on news and updates. If you'd like to find out more about them then you can find more information on the Ambassadors Profile.

International Languages

The Wattpad Ambassadors cover over 70 languages between them, including, but not limited to the following:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Filipino
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Turkish
  • Italian
  • German
  • Russian
  • Arabic

Other language teams can be found here.

How do I know who is an active Wattpad Ambassador?

All active Wattpad Ambassadors will have a Wattpad Ambassadors badge located on their own profile. On Wattpad you may see a symbol next to some profile pictures. If you see this symbol an orange circle with a heart in the centre it means you’re looking at an Ambassador profile.

Where can I get help from a Wattpad Ambassador?

You can ask your general Wattpad questions on the official Ambassadors page. Please note that Wattpad Ambassadors do not solve problems for users, but are able to help redirect users to the correct place to resolve an issue.

How do I become a Wattpad Ambassador?

If you think you got what it takes to be a Wattpad Ambassador, make sure to read the information on the Ambassadors profile to see if you are eligible to submit an application to join the team. If you feel you are up to the task and are qualified, please fill out the submissions form via the link on the profile. Submissions open and close at different times of the year, so follow the Ambassador profile to keep abreast of current submissions. Since we receive such a high volume of applications, the team will only contact those who we see are able to take on this role.

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