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Voting on a story

Voting will show a writer your support. This is a great way to connect with writers and engage with the Wattpad community. However, votes do not impact how a story is ranked.

You can vote:

  • Once per story part
  • 100 times in 24 hours
  • When offline, but it won’t be registered until you are connected to the internet

On iOS or Android 

Option 1: While reading a story

  1. Open a story part
  2. Tap on the reading screen
  3. Tap the  Vote button on the bottom left corner of the menu bar


Option 2: At the end of a story part

  1. Open a story part
  2. Scroll or swipe to the end of that part
  3. Tap the  Vote button  on the bottom left corner of the menu bar

On Web:

Option 1: While reading a story

  1. Open a story part
  2. Click the  Vote button  on the upper right corner of the menu bar


Option 2: At the end of a story part

  1. Open a story part
  2. Scroll down to the end of the story
  3. Click the  Vote button  above the comments
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