You can sign up for Wattpad using your Facebook account, Google account, or with your email address, but every account requires a valid email address. Please note, your email is how we communicate with you if you experience any issues. We recommend not using your school email address, as that will disappear and be inaccessible once you graduate.
You will also need to provide your birthday, but this will not be visible to other users. To read more about what other users can see, check out our article on Account privacy.
Once your account is set up, we ask that you verify the email address that is linked to your account.
If you create a story, please note that it's not possible to transfer it to another account.
If your email address is not accepted when you sign up, it's likely you already have a Wattpad account, and you can try to reset your password. For more information, please see the article Resetting or changing your password. If you are having trouble signing up with a Gmail account that contains dots in the body of the email, please try signing up with them removed (ie. becomes For more information, please see the article Unable to log in with Gmail address.
Creating an account on the app
You can create a Wattpad account using your Facebook/Google+ account or email. Download the app, then click Sign Up.
With Email
- Enter your email and create a username and password to create your account.
Tap on Sign Up.
Follow the prompts given to create your account.
With Facebook
Make sure you are logged into your Facebook account on the app.
Select the Facebook button.
Follow the prompts given to create your account.
Please note: If you change the email associated with your Facebook, this will not automatically change the email of your Wattpad account. For how to change your email, please see the article Changing Your Email.
With Google+
Select the Google button.
Select which email account (or add an account) that you'd like to create the account with.
Follow the prompts given to create your account.
Creating an account on web
To create an account, go to You can create an account using Facebook, Google or with your email and password.With Email
- Click on Start Reading or Start Writing
Enter your email and create a username and password to create your account.
- Enter your Birthday
Click on I like reading or I like writing
Follow the prompts given to create your account
With Facebook
Make sure you are logged into your Facebook account on the web
- Click on Start Reading or Start Writing
- Select the Facebook button in the sign up window
- Follow the prompts given to create your account
Please note: If you change the email associated with your Facebook, this will not automatically change the email of your Wattpad account. For how to change your email, please see the article Changing Your Email.
With Google+
Make sure you are logged into your Google account on the web
- Click on Start Reading or Start Writing
- Select the Google button in the sign up window
- Follow the prompts given to create your account.
If someone has created a Wattpad account with your email address, please submit a Support request to us. You can submit a request by clicking ‘Fix a problem / Contact us’ to the right of or below this article.
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