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Hosting a contest on Wattpad

So you want to run a writing contest on Wattpad? Well, you're in luck. We've got some tips and tricks to help get you started so you can attract more entries and make your contests easier to find and join for other Wattpadders.

  1. Create a story to describe your contest to the community.
  2. Include information on rules and prizes, and pick a unique tag for entries (something like #youngwritersprize or #taygetsthegay).
  3. Tag your story about the contest with #wpcontests so other Wattpadders can find it.

Now that your contest is set up, it's time to spread the word. By sharing on Wattpad and other social media, you will get more entries and more attention to your contest. You can also remind your participants to spread the word. If people like the contest, consider making a recurring one: either weekly, monthly, or annually.


  1. Keep it simple.
  2. Make it interesting and engaging.
  3. Be inclusive.
  4. Spread the word.
  5. Deliver on your promises.


  1. Eligibility & Restrictions: Is your contest open to all countries and ages?
  2. Methods of entry: Make sure you state how a Wattpadder can enter your contest. The two main ways of entering are through commenting or writing contests with tags. With tags, suggest a unique hashtag for your contest and instruct Wattpadders to add it to their story submission. For comments, ask them to leave a link to their story in the comment section so you can easily locate all submissions. There are also comment to win contests, where the best comment wins a prize.
  3. Content: Specify what type of content is allowed (what category, what rating) and how long submissions can be.
  4. Deadline: Include the length of your contest with clear start and end dates. Wattpadders come from all around the world, so be sure to include a clear time zone.
  5. Prizes: Let participants know if you’ll be giving away a prize for the contest winner(s). Prizes can not be monetary: they can range from a follow to a story critique.
  6. Judging: Indicate who your judges are if you have them.
  7. Read and review Wattpad’s Terms of Service and Content Guidelines before starting your contest to ensure that your contest doesn’t violate them.


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