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Not receiving email notifications

Occasionally, Wattpad email notifications are delayed. But if you aren’t receiving any email notifications there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

*Note: If you are not receiving verification emails, please submit a Support request.

  1. Turn off your notification settings and save these changes, then logout and wait a few minutes before logging back in and turning the notifications on again. To change your notification settings:
    • Click on your username on the top navigation bar.
    • Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
    • Click on the Notifications tab near the top of the page next to Account.
    • Select or unselect the notifications based on your preferences, then click Save.
  2. Check your spam/junk folder(s), as well as the other tabs such as ‘Promotions’ and ‘Social’ tabs in case Wattpad emails were redirected there.
  3. If you do find that Wattpad emails are being redirected to your spam/junk folders, please add the following email address to your whitelist or safe senders list:

If you still aren’t receiving email notifications, please submit a Support request. You can submit a request by clicking ‘Fix a problem / Contact us’ to the right of or below this article. Make sure to write to us from the email that is linked to your Wattpad account.

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