If you are missing stories from your Reading List or having difficulty deleting stories from your Reading List, please select a platform for more details.
On iOS and Android
Try logging into the web version of Wattpad at www.wattpad.com to check if you are experiencing the same issues there. If you are not, please ensure that your internet connection is stable, then try the following:
- Try logging out and back in, making sure to completely close the app.
- Try to uninstall and re-install the app.
- Try in an alternate Wi-Fi network or, if possible, another data network. Your internet connection may be weak or intermittent.
On Web
- If you are using the website, please log out of Wattpad, try clearing your browser's cache/cookies, then log back in to see if the issue persists.
- If you still experience this issue and have not already tried, please try using different browsers such as Firefox, or Google Chrome.
Problems deleting your entire Reading List?
When you create your Wattpad Account, a default Reading List is created and it cannot be deleted. Though it is not possible to delete your original Reading List, you can delete stories within that Reading List. If your default Reading List is empty, it will not show up for other Wattpaders.
If you are trying to delete any other Reading List you created and experience issues with this, please try out the general troubleshooting steps mentioned in the above section.
If this still doesn't help you with this issue, please submit a Support request to us. You can submit a request by clicking ‘Fix a problem / Contact us’ to the right of or below this article. Make sure to write to us from the email that your account is linked to.
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