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Reporting story and profile comments

The Wattpad community shares their passion for reading and writing by interacting with each other through comments and messages. Reacting to story events, giving constructive and respectful feedback to help others improve their writing, or collaborating with other writers are just some of the excellent ways comments are used within the community.

We encourage you to report comments that are about the following subject matter:

  • Cyberbullying and harassment
  • Violence or self-harm
  • Hate speech 
  • Sexually explicit content
  • Release of personal information

On the web:

Story Comments

  1. Open the comment you would like to report.
  2. Press the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the comment box.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear. Press 'Report Comment'.
  4. Select one of the eight reasons for which you are reporting this comment, and press 'Next'.
  5. Provide details on why you are reporting this comment, and press 'Submit Report'.
  6. The report will reach the Wattpad Support team, and a member of our team will review it. We will follow up with you on the status of your report.

Profile comments

  1. Find the comment you would like to report. 
  2. Press the three dots that appear in the top right-hand corner of the comment box.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear. Press 'Report message'.
  4. Select one of the eight reasons for which you are reporting this comment, and press 'Next'.
  5. Provide details on why you are reporting this comment, and press 'Submit Report'.
  6. The report will reach the Wattpad Support team, and a member of our team will review it. We will follow up with you on the status of your report.

On the iOS and Android apps:

Story comments

  1. Find the comment you would like to report.
  2. Long press the comment
  3. A menu will appear. Tap ’Report Comment'.
  4. Select one of the eight reasons for which you are reporting this comment, and press 'Next'.
  5. Provide details on why you are reporting this comment, and press 'Submit Report'.
  6. The report will reach the Wattpad Support team, and a member of our team will review it. We will follow up with you on the status of your report.

Profile comments

  1. Find the comment you would like to report. 
  2. Press the three dots that appear in the top right-hand corner of the comment box.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear. Press 'Report message'.
  4. Select one of the eight reasons for which you are reporting this comment, and press 'Next'.
  5. Provide details on why you are reporting this comment, and press 'Submit Report'.
  6. The report will reach the Wattpad Support team, and a member of our team will review it. We will follow up with you on the status of your report.
  7. You will be given the option to mute the user. There is more information on muting in 'Mute or Unmute a User'


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