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Syncing or updating your Library

If you have been using the app offline for a longer period, you might want to sync or update your Library when you are online again to get all the latest updates for your stories.

Our system will re-sync your device every so often, so you do not need to sync or update it manually if you have a strong internet connection.

Keep in mind that after your library syncs or is updated, some stories may not appear. They are either no longer on Wattpad, they could have been deleted by the author or removed by Wattpad if it violated one of our Content Guidelines.

Select a platform for more details.

On iOS

  1. Open your Library by tapping the  Library button
  2. Pull down on the screen
  3. Once the orange W has disappeared, your Library has been updated

On Android

  1. Open your Library by tapping the  Library button
  2. Pull down on the screen
  3. Once the loading symbol has disappeared, your Library has been updated

On Web

  1. Open your Library by clicking on your Profile and selecting Library in the drop-down menu
  2. Click on your browser’s refresh button
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