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Resetting or changing your password

NOTE: It may take up to 24 hours to get your password reset link depending on request volumes. If you haven't received your password after 24 hours, follow the links below to troubleshoot the problem or to contact Support.

Your password is the key to not only logging into your account, but also to changing your username, changing your email address, and deleting a story. You can change it at any point or reset it if you’ve forgotten it. 

Here is some key information about your password:

  • It must be at least 10 characters in length
  • It must contain a number, a special character, and both lowercase and uppercase letters. You can use upper and lowercase letters [A-Z, a-z], numbers [0-9], or symbols like ^%$&
  • It must not contain your username or name
  • There is no way to view your password
  • Your password can be reset when you’re logged in or out of your account
  • If you reset your password, this will log you out of all devices 
  • Do not share your password with anyone; keep your account secure! 

Please note: You can only reset your password with the email address linked to your account; the password reset email can’t be sent to any other email. This means that if you created your account with a false email address, you won't be able to reset your password. 

If you are not receiving any emails, please see our article Not Getting Verification or Password Emails. If you forgot your email address or don't have access to it, please read our article: Forgot your email?.

Resetting your password

If you don't know or remember your password, you can reset it. Passwords are kept encrypted and there is no way to view your password in your Settings. Furthermore, we do not keep readable copies of your password. This means that even our Support agents will be unable to tell you what your password is as they can't access them.

Select a platform for more details.

On iOS

Option 1: Logged into your account

  1. Go to your profile (tap on your profile picture in the top right of your home feed)
  2. Tap on Settings in the upper left-hand corner
  3. Select Account Settings
  4. Tap on Password
  5. Tap on Forgot Password?
  6. The linked email will be auto-filled - please note that you can’t send the password reset email to any other email address
  7. Press on Send Instructions


Option 2: Logged out of your account

  1. Open the app
  2. Tap on Have an account? Log in
  3. Tap on Forgot? in the password field
  4. Enter the email address or username linked to your account
  5. Press on Send Instructions
  6. Tap Done

On Android

Option 1: Logged into your account

  1. Go to your profile (tap on your profile picture in the top right of your home feed)
  2. Tap on Settings in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Select Account Settings
  4. Tap on Forgot password?
  5. Enter in the email linked to your account
  6. Press Send Instructions


Option 2: Logged out of your account

  1. Open the app
  2. Tap on Have an account? Log in
  3. Tap on Forgot? in the password field
  4. Enter the email address or username linked to your account
  5. Press on Send Instructions
  6. Tap OK

On Web

Option 1: Logged into your account (Note: If you have problems using Web to reset or create your password, we recommend using your the app on your iOS or Android device)

  1. Click on your username in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on change beside ‘Password’
  4. Click on Forgot Password?
  5. Enter the email address or username linked to your account
  6. Press on Send Instructions


Option 2: Logged out of your account

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Log In in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Click on Forgot Password? (under the Log In button). You will be taken to the page linked here.
  4. Enter the email address linked to your account
  5. Press on Send Instructions


Changing your password

If you know your password, then you can change it in your Settings.

Select a platform for more details.

On iOS

  1. Go to your profile (tap on your profile picture in the top right)
  2. Tap on Settings in the upper left-hand corner
  3. Select Account Settings
  4. Tap on Password
  5. Enter in your old password and your new password
  6. Tap on Done

On Android

  1. Go to your profile (tap on your profile picture in the top right)
  2. Tap on Settings in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Select Account Settings
  4. Tap on Password
  5. Type in your new password twice, your old one once
  6. Tap Change

On Web

  1. Click on your username in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on Change beside ‘Password’
  4. Type in your old password, and your new password twice
  5. Tap Save

If this still doesn't help you with this issue, please submit a Support request to us. You can submit a request by clicking ‘Fix a problem / Contact us’ to the right of or below this article.

Make sure to write to us from the email that your account is linked to.

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