If you decide that you don't want a certain image or video in your story and you wish to remove it, you can do so at any time.
Select a platform for more details.
On iOS
To remove header media:
- Navigate to your story by clicking the pencil icon, tapping the story title, then the story title part
- Tap the More button in the lower right corner of the photo or video
- Select Remove Photo or Remove YouTube Video
- Tap Remove
- Publish or save your story to confirm the changes
To remove inline media:
- Navigate to your story by clicking the pencil icon, clicking the story title, then the story title part
- Tap on the photo or video
- Tap the Close button in the upper right-hand corner
- Publish or save your story to confirm the changes
On Android
To remove header media:
- Navigate to your story by clicking the pencil icon, tapping the story title, then the story title part
- Tap the More options button in the lower right corner of the photo or video
- Select Remove Photo or Remove YouTube Video
- Select Yes
- Publish or save your story to confirm the changes
To remove inline media:
- Navigate to your story by clicking the pencil icon, clicking the story title, then the story title part
- Tap on the photo or video
- Tap the Close button in the upper right-hand corner
- Publish or save your story to confirm the changes
On Desktop Web
To remove header media:
- Navigate to your story by clicking Write in the top navigation bar
- Click My Stories, then click the story title and the story title part
- Click the Settings in the lower right corner of the header banner
- Select Remove Video or Remove Photo
To remove inline media:
- Navigate to your story by clicking Write in the top navigation bar
- Click My Stories, then click the story title and the story title part
- Click on the photo or video
- Click the Close button in the upper right-hand corner
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