When reading and writing on the app, you get to choose which font style you want your Wattpad experience in! However, there are some fonts that don't currently support writing in italics, meaning if you do want to add italics to your story while writing, you'll need to change your font style.
You can learn how to change your font style for both the reading and writing experience in-app by going to our article Reading Settings.
Here is a list of fonts that don't currently support italics:
Apple SD Gothic Neo
DIN Next Rounded LT Pro
- Geeza Pro
Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN
- Kailasa
Kohinoor Bangla
Kohinoor Devanagari
Kohinoor Telegu
PingFang HK
PingFang SC
PingFang TC
- Source Sans Pro
If you're having trouble with italics while using a different font, please let us know by submitting a Support request. You can submit a request by clicking ‘Fix a problem / Contact us’ to the right of or below this article.
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