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Finding a story you’ve read before

While we don't have a reading history feature, we do have some tips that have helped other Wattpaders find stories that they've read but didn't add to the Library. 

  1. If you read the story recently, check the "Your Stories" row on your homepage. 
  2. Try searching for the story with related tags. Remember that tags should have a # in front of them when searched.
  3. If you are still unable to find the story, try contacting the author to see if the story has been removed.
  4. If you remember the story's title, try searching for the exact title:
    • Type "title:" before the text to get exact title match results. (Please note: this will not work with a combination of tags)
      • Example: "title: My first Wattpad story"
  5. You can also try searching for the story through a search engine such as Google.

Another great tip: if you've read a story and don't want to keep it in your Library, you can archive it to read it again at another time. To learn how to archive a story, please check the article Adding a story to your Archive

If these steps don't work to find the story, we encourage you to contact us with your feedback!

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